
Will Review


Will Review

Got a will?

We can take a look

You have a will but it might be outdated, causing issues when you pass away. Let us check if your will is valid and if any changes need to be made.
At Local Legal, we ensure our community’s safety. Whether your will is from another lawyer, a DIY kit, or an online service, we make sure it’s legally valid.
Get your will checked for FREE today!


Our free will review service is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. This service does not establish solicitor-client privilege, but all information discussed will be kept confidential. The will review service applies only to existing wills. We do not notarize wills. If you need a will created, please request a quote using the form provided below.

Getting Started

Please click the button below to fill out the client intake form and upload your will.You will then have a a scheduled 15-minutes consultation with a lawyer to review your will.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are ready to begin the probate process, please schedule a 60-minute Appointment. 
Paid consultations are billed hourly and are credited towards our services.

We assist Personal Representatives / Executors in

  • Applying for a Grant of Probate (with a Will) or Grant of Administration (without a Will)
  • Identifying estate assets and debts
  • Administering and Managing the Estate

  • Preparing Accounting for Administration of the Estate

  • Distribution of the Estate to Beneficiaries

We assist Personal Representatives / Executors in

Frequently Asked Questions

Generally, a Will is submitted for probate in Alberta if :

  • there assets that do not transfer upon death,
  • real estate registered in the deceased’s name,
  • there is a large sum of money in a bank account or investment account
  • validity of will is in question
  • assets are transferred to the estate
  • corporate assets that are not dealt with by USA

If you’re unsure whether you need to probate the will, consulting with an experience estate lawyer will help guide you.

They can review the will with you, identify any potential issues, and determine which assets require probate. Your lawyer’s knowledge will guide you through the process, ensuring that everything is handled correctly and efficiently.

Applying for a Grant of Probate can be a complex process.

Probate is the process where a court application is made to prove a Will so the executor / personal representative has court appointed authority to carry out their duties.

Money Lending and Estate Planning

Imagine this: a close family member hits a rough patch and needs financial help. Naturally, someone in the family, like a parent, steps in and loans the money with a handshake agreement that the money is to be repaid. But what if the parent passes away before the debt is settled? From my experience, this situation can quickly cause family conflict. The borrowing child may claim the parent intended the money to be a gift and it doesn’t need to be repaid. Meanwhile, other beneficiaries, usually the borrower’s siblings, argue it was a loan that should be deducted from the borrower’s inheritance. Failing to properly document loans or gifts may result in family strife, substantial legal costs, and ultimately a smaller inheritance for all beneficiaries of an estate. Clearly documenting any financial help in your will and specifying whether funds were loans or gifts will assist the executor of the estate in ensuring inheritances are distributed correctly and prevent resentment between siblings.

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