We are a law firm based in Alberta, Canada, and are licensed to practice law solely in Alberta.
The information on our website is intended to be general, accurate, and up-to-date; however, we do not guarantee its accuracy. This content is not meant for advertising, solicitation, or as legal advice. It should not be interpreted as an invitation to form a lawyer-client relationship, nor should it be relied upon without consulting legal counsel who is familiar with your specific situation. Always seek advice from qualified legal counsel in your jurisdiction.


You are welcome to contact us; however, we will not represent you until we explicitly agree to do so and confirm that no conflict of interest exists. Please do not send us any information about your matter until we have formally agreed in writing to act as your lawyers. If you do send us information before this agreement, we may use it for any lawful purpose, even if it may be detrimental to you.
Contacting Local Legal does not establish a lawyer-client relationship. If you are seeking legal representation, we will first conduct our conflict-of-interest checks and intake procedures to determine if we can represent you. We will only agree to represent you after direct communication with one of our lawyers to discuss your matter. You will officially become our client once you receive an engagement letter from us, at which point we can freely exchange information.
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